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Chez Famaga, vous pouvez acheter R&S®EMC32-S EMS measurement software, version 9, ainsi que d'autres pièces de Rechange de sociétés Rohde & Schwarz avec Livraison dans le monde entier, y compris à votre ville Dublin. Pour la demande de prix, délai de Livraison et d'autres caractéristiques du produit Rohde & Schwarz, s'il vous plaît remplissez le formulaire de commentaires ou envoyez une Description des noms dont Vous avez besoin à l'adresse e-mail sales@famaga.us
La description
Key Facts R&S®EMC32-S is used to measure conducted and radiated susceptibility of instruments, modules and integrated circuits. The intuitive graphical user interface makes learning and operating the system easy. R&S®EMC32-S is designed for compliance and batch tests with high EUT throughput as well as for interactive tests supporting development. Applications range from development and conformance test to production and quality assurance. In addition to a wide range of instrument-specific drivers, several generic drivers for different instrument classes are available. The factory-ready test sequences can be adapted to lab instruments either interactively or via the configuration wizard. The online help provides step-by-step instructions for all tasks from configuring the setup to performing measurements. Application notes complement the help function. During susceptibility tests, integrated control mechanisms limit the susceptibility level to protect both the EUT and the test system from being overloaded.Features & Benefits
- EUT monitoring and stimulation In addition to generating interference, EMS Measurement Software R&S®EMC32-S monitors and stimulates the EUT. The monitoring functions permit fully automatic monitoring of the EUT. The objective is to obtain a GO or NOGO (PASS / FAIL) result for the test frequency and the test level. Monitoring channels can be defined for this purpose. A GO/NOGO decision is reached by using a definable threshold or a decision window. The measured values are displayed in a result table or in a graph. In addition, a separate table is generated that contains only the NOGO frequencies. If communication is via physical quantities (voltage, current, frequency, temperature), measuring instruments (oscilloscope, TTL converter or voltmeter) are used to monitor the EUT's output signals or inject a defined signal at its inputs. USB, RS-232-C, TTL inputs and outputs and software interfaces are possible. Monitoring of sound level and visual monitoring via camera are also integrated. The following integrated stimulus functions make it possible to control the EUT at defined points in the test sequence:
- Changing the EUT to a defined state (e.g. switching it on or off) when a measurement is started or stopped
- Triggering an action of the EUT at specific frequencies or at each test frequency and using the monitoring functions to check the EUT's response to interference
- Resetting the EUT to a defined state after a faulty EUT response has been detected
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