La description

Key Facts The general vector signal analysis function is available now for R&S® FSU. The option R&S® FSU-B73 gives a narrowband, cost effective VSA solution. It contains the necessary hardware and the K70 well known from Signal analyzer R&S® FSQ. The option R&S® FSU-B73 is not retrofittable. The option R&S FSU-U73 is for retrofit of XP units (requires FW version 4.0 or higher). Functionality and user interface of VSA option is identical to FSQ-K70. Please refer to FSQ-K70 for manuals or more detailed information. All options are available at standard delivery. Specifications are covered in a combined specification data sheet for R&S® FSQ-K70, R&S® FSU-B73 and R&S® FSMR-B73.
Specifications Specified frequency range 20 MHz to max frequency of analyzer Max symbol rate 6.4 MHz IQ bandwidth 7 MHz Modulation formats BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK, p/4 DQPSK, 8PSK, D8PSK, 3p/8 8PSK (EDGE) QAM (16, 32, 64, 128, 256) DVB mapping DQAM VSB FSK (2,4) MSK User definable mapping and constellation yes, using MAPWIZ Predefined standards 3 GPP WCDMA CDMA2000 GSM/EDGE NADC, PDC, PHS Bluetooth® DECT ZIGBEE: see AN APCO 25 phase 1, 2 User definable standards Residual EVM, QPSK, symbol rate 6 MHz 1% IQ memory 16 Msamples User designable baseband filters yes, using FILTWIZ Equalizer yes AM/AM and AM/PM measurements yes Histogramm function (PDF) Yes Important features in comparison R&S FSU with R&S FSU-U73/-B73 R&S FSMR with R&S FSMR-B73 R&S FSQ with R&S FSQ-K70 Max specified symbol rate 6.4 MHz 25 MHz 25 MHz extendable to 81.6 MHz (FSQ-B72) Equalized IQ bandwidth 7 MHz 28 MHz 28 MHz extendable to 120 MHz (FSQ-B72) Residual EVM, 1 GHz, 1MHz QPSK 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% YIG-filter bypass for f>3.6 GHz no Standard FSMR: without YIG-Filter, With FSMR-B2/223: integrated Integrated Functions Same as FSQ-K70 Same as FSQ-K70 IQ memory 16 Msamples, not extendable 16 Msamples, not extendable 16Msamples, extendable to 705 Msamples (FSQ-B100/102)''