La description

Key facts
  • VOR:
    • Bearing (VOR phase)
    • 30/9960 HZ AM modulation depth
    • 30 Hz FM deviation (subcarrier)
    • 30/9960 Hz AM/30 Hz FM: frequency, K2, K3, THD
    • Identifier: modulation depth, frequency, code
  • ILS:
    • DDM,SDM
    • 90/150 Hz AM modulation depth
    • 90/150 Hz AM: frequency, K2, K3, THD, phase
    • Identifier modulation depth, fequency, code

Brief description The R&S®FSW-K15 is a firmware application that adds functionality to perform VOR/ILS measurements to the R&S®FSW.The option extends the calibration possibilities to VOR/ILS signal generators and to navigation/ramp testers.''