La description

Key Facts
  • User-definable vertical obstacles to model urban environments
  • User-definable roadside planes to model highway and cutting environments
  • User-definable interface to model ground/sea reflection for aircraft and ships
  • User-definable interface to model full signal obscuration as in tunnels
  • Automatic realtime update of satellite visibility and multipath depending on the modeled user environment in auto localization mode
  • 10 Hz obscuration and multipath environment sampling
  • Configurable material property for vertical obstacles, roadside planes and ground/sea terrains
  • Predefined environment models such as “rural area”, “suburban area”, “urban canyon”, “tunnel”, “bridge”, “highway”
  • Requires the R&S®SMBV-K44, R&S®SMBV-K66, R&S®SMBV-K94, R&S®SMBV-K105, R&S®SMBV-K110 and/or R&S®SMBV-K107 option
  • Automatic multipath update requires R&S®SMBV-K92
