La description

Key Facts
  • Up to eight individually configurable baseband signals
  • Settable frequency, level and phase offsets for each baseband signal
  • Realtime addition of signals for easy generation of multi-carrier and interference scenarios
  • 8x SISO signal generation, optionally with fading
  • Optional AWGN for each channel
  • 2x2 MIMO channel simulation for three or four separate entities (with 4xR&S®SMW-B14, R&S®SMW-K74)
  • Coupling of baseband signals for simplified signal configuration of multi-cell diversity and MIMO scenarios
  • Flexible routing of baseband signals to two RF outputs, two analog and six digital IQ outputs (depending on instrument and system configuration)
  • Additional RF paths via up to six digitally connected R&S®SGT100A
  • Additional microwave RF paths via R&S®SGS100A + R&S®SGU100A

Brief Description Multi-Standard-Radio applications, interference scenarios, LTE carrier aggregation, multi-emitter radar simulation and phase coherent beam forming all require simultaneous generation of a multitude of baseband and RF signals. The R&S®SMW-K76 “Multiple Entities” option enables generation of up to eight different baseband signals from a single R&S®SMW200A. Together with additional digitally connected R&S®SGT100A vector RF sources, the R&S®SMW200A is turned into a versatile eight channel vector signal generator. Connection of analog R&S®SGS100A RF sources and R&S®SGU100A up-converters for applications in the microwave range is also supported. With additional R&S®SMW-B14 fading hardware modules, up to 8x SISO fading is possible. Together with the R&S®SMW-K74 MIMO option, 4x2x2 and 3x2x2 MIMO scenarios are supported. This e.g. allows simulation of up to four aggregated LTE carriers or four different cells with 2x2 MIMO from one R&S®SMW200A. The R&S®SMW-K76 option requires two R&S®SMW-B10 options and an R&S®SMW-B13T option as prerequisite.
Multi-channel signal generation
Max. number of baseband sources Settable via R&S®SMW200A system configuration 8
SISO configurations
Supported SISO modes (w/o fading) 3x1x1, 4x1x1, 5x1x1, 6x1x1, 7x1x1, 8x1x1
Supported SISO modes (w/ fading) with 4x R&S®SMW-B14 3x1x1, 4x1x1, 5x1x1, 6x1x1, 7x1x1, 8x1x1
Max. number of fading channels with 4x R&S®SMW-B14 8
Max. bandwidth with 2x R&S®SMW-K522, 3x1x1, 4x1x1 160 MHz
with 2x R&S®SMW-K522 5x1x1, 6x1x1, 7x1x1, 8x1x1 80 MHz
MIMO configurations
Supported MIMO modes (w/ fading) with 4x R&S®SMW-B14 and 1x R&S®SMW-K74 3x2x2, 4x2x2
Max. number of fading channels with 4x R&S®SMW-B14 and 1x R&S®SMW-K74 16
Max. bandwidth in Multiple Entities mode 80 MHz