La description

Key Facts For the purpose of achieving higher frequency stability, an oven-controlledcrystal oscillator (OCXO) rather than the standard crystal oscillator can be employed in the HF unit/synthesizer of the transceiver. The R&S®GF2010 option, which can only be fitted in the factory, must be specified in the customer’s order. The higher requirements for transceiverfrequency stability are needed, for example, for the DATA LINK modes and can be met by the R&S®GF2010 option.
    • Frequency: 10 MHz
    • Short-term stability: ? 1 x 10-9/day (after 30 days)
    • Long-term stability: ? 1 x 10-7/year
    • Drift versus temperature: ? 1x 10-9/°C
  • Note This option can only be factory installed.